docker command line summary =========================== image: a read-only file system consisting of a base layer and a series of difference layers container: a writable file system consisting of an image and a top writable layer with network and volume hooks an image has id, name, tag, read-only_layers, entrypoint, and cmd a container has id, name, source_image, writable_layer, overwrite_cmd, cpu_limit, memory_limit, volume_hook, network_hook, and state (active/un-active) what docker can do with images in a local image store -- creation -- - import/export with docker hub search in a docker hub (docker search) pull from a docker hub (docker pull) push to a docker hub (docker push) - import/export with local filesystem load from a local file (docker load) save to a local file (docker save) - born from scratch commit an un-active container to create an image (docker commit) build an image with Dockerfile instructions (docker build) -- management -- list (docker images) remove (docker rmi) what docker can do with containers in a local container store -- creation -- create an un-active container from an image (docker create) run from an image with an overwrite command (docker run) execute a command (docker exec) -- management stop an active container with a grace period (docker stop) kill an active container (docker kill) start an un-active container (docker start) restart an active container (docker restart = docker stop + docker start) - copy with local filesystem (docker cp) - attach the console to a container (docker attach) - commit an un-active container to create an image (docker commit) - list (docker ps [-a]) remove (docker rm [-f]) an image runs a new container with an overwrite command = an image creates a new container + the container starts with an overwrite command a container is created when docker creates from an image or runs from an image with an overwrite command an image is created when docker commits a container or builds from a base image and a Dockerfile # # # image operation # # #### search for an image docker search image_keyword #### download an image docker pull []image_path[:tag] #### list images in local drive docker images [image_path] #### create new images 1.docker commit -m "submit message" -a "submit user" container_id image_path[:tag] $ vi ./Dockerfile # This is a comment FROM ubuntu:14.04 MAINTAINER Docker Newbee <newbee""> RUN apt-get -qq update RUN apt-get -qqy install ruby ruby-dev RUN gem install sinatra # put my local web site in myApp folder to /var/www ADD myApp /var/www # expose httpd port EXPOSE 80 # the command to run CMD ["/usr/sbin/apachectl", "-D", "FOREGROUND"] 2.docker build -t="image_path:tag" . ubuntu-14.04-x86_64-minimal.tar.gz | docker import - ubuntu:14.04 4.docker tag container_id image_path:new_tag #### upload an image docker push image_path # all tags #### save and load an image as local file docker save -o ubuntu_14.04.tar ubuntu:14.04 docker load --input ubuntu_14.04.tar docker load < ubuntu_14.04.tar #### remove a local image docker rmi image_path # # # container operation # # #### start and run a container with an image docker run [-name container_name] ubuntu:14.04 /bin/echo 'Hello world' docker run -t -i ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash ### start a container in interactive mode docker start ubuntu:14.04 docker run -d ubuntu:14.04 /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo hello world; sleep 1; done" docker ps [-a] ### list containers, [all, inclusive of un-active containers] docker logs insane_babbage #### start and stop container docker restart docker stop docker run -idt ubuntu docker attach container_name #### start a shell in a container, detach from it, and re-attach to it docker exec -it container_name /bin/bash # use Ctrl-p + Ctrl-q to detach from the container docker attach container_name #### import and export container docker export container_id > snapshot.tar cat snapshot.tar | docker import - image_path[:tag] docker import snapshot_url image_path #### remove container docker rm container_name docker rm $(docker ps -aq) ## remove all exited containers References: 1.《Docker —— 從入門到實踐》Run命令 2.How to use Docker without sudo on Ubuntu # grant docker permission to specific user 'foobar' > sudo setfacl -m user:foobar:rw /var/run/docker.sock > getfacl /var/run/docker.sock getfacl: 從絕對路徑名尾部去除“/”字符 # file: var/run/docker.sock # owner: root # group: docker user::rw- user:foobar:rw- group::rw- mask::rw- other::--- 3.Play With Docker provides an Alpine Linux 3.10 environment with docker and git ready for use CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2673 v4 @ 2.30GHz with 8 cores Memory: 32GB Drive: 64GB with 16GB used Limit: Use of up to 5 nodes for up to 4 hours per session
2017年1月19日 星期四
docker command line summary
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