2015年10月19日 星期一


weka.classifiers.rules.Prism 為簡單規則集學習器,

Prism 學習規則集時,依各類別分別學習適合該類別所有案例之規則集,作法如下:

Prism 在學習類別規則時有敵情觀念(其他類別案例全部都在),

> java -cp weka.jar;. weka.classifiers.rules.Prism  -t data\weather.nominal.arff

Prism rules
If outlook = overcast then yes
If humidity = normal
   and windy = FALSE then yes
If temperature = mild
   and humidity = normal then yes
If outlook = rainy
   and windy = FALSE then yes
If outlook = sunny
   and humidity = high then no
If outlook = rainy
   and windy = TRUE then no

Time taken to build model: 0 seconds
Time taken to test model on training data: 0 seconds

=== Error on training data ===

Correctly Classified Instances          14              100      %
Incorrectly Classified Instances         0                0      %
Kappa statistic                          1     
Mean absolute error                      0     
Root mean squared error                  0     
Relative absolute error                  0      %
Root relative squared error              0      %
Total Number of Instances               14     

=== Confusion Matrix ===

 a b   <-- classified as
 9 0 | a = yes
 0 5 | b = no

=== Stratified cross-validation ===

Correctly Classified Instances           9               64.2857 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances         3               21.4286 %
Kappa statistic                          0.4375
Mean absolute error                      0.25  
Root mean squared error                  0.5   
Relative absolute error                 59.2264 %
Root relative squared error            105.9121 %
UnClassified Instances                   2               14.2857 %
Total Number of Instances               14     

=== Confusion Matrix ===

 a b   <-- classified as
 7 0 | a = yes
 3 2 | b = no

如下 weather.nominal.arff 案例集的14個案例有9個yes、5個no。
outlook temperature humidity windy play
sunny hot high FALSE no
sunny hot high TRUE no
rainy cool normal TRUE no
sunny mild high FALSE no
rainy mild high TRUE no
overcast hot high FALSE yes
rainy mild high FALSE yes
rainy cool normal FALSE yes
overcast cool normal TRUE yes
sunny cool normal FALSE yes
rainy mild normal FALSE yes
sunny mild normal TRUE yes
overcast mild high TRUE yes
overcast hot normal FALSE yes
參考: 1.weka.classifiers.rules.Prism code | doc
