2015年10月10日 星期六




> java -cp weka.jar;. weka.classifiers.rules.ZeroR  -t data\weather.numeric.arff

ZeroR predicts class value: yes

Time taken to build model: 0 seconds
Time taken to test model on training data: 0 seconds

=== Error on training data ===

Correctly Classified Instances           9               64.2857 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances         5               35.7143 %
Kappa statistic                          0
Mean absolute error                      0.4643
Root mean squared error                  0.4795
Relative absolute error                100      %
Root relative squared error            100      %
Total Number of Instances               14

=== Confusion Matrix ===

 a b   <-- classified as
 9 0 | a = yes
 5 0 | b = no

=== Stratified cross-validation ===

Correctly Classified Instances           9               64.2857 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances         5               35.7143 %
Kappa statistic                          0
Mean absolute error                      0.4762
Root mean squared error                  0.4934
Relative absolute error                100      %
Root relative squared error            100      %
Total Number of Instances               14

=== Confusion Matrix ===

 a b   <-- classified as
 9 0 | a = yes
 5 0 | b = no

如下 weather.numeric.arff 案例集的14個案例有9個yes,5個no。
outlook temperature humidity windy play
sunny 85 85 FALSE no
sunny 80 90 TRUE no
rainy 65 70 TRUE no
sunny 72 95 FALSE no
rainy 71 91 TRUE no
overcast 83 86 FALSE yes
rainy 70 96 FALSE yes
rainy 68 80 FALSE yes
overcast 64 65 TRUE yes
sunny 69 70 FALSE yes
rainy 75 80 FALSE yes
sunny 75 70 TRUE yes
overcast 72 90 TRUE yes
overcast 81 75 FALSE yes
參考: weka.classifiers.rules.ZeorR 1. source code 2. documentation
